Help Center
User Roles
All backend access user roles are assigned by the OHWA site administrator. Contact OHWA website admins if you need to change your username capabilities.
Default WordPress Roles
- Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.
- Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
- Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
- Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
- Subscriber – somebody who can only manage their profile.
OHWA Instructor Roles
- Super Instructor – Can see and edit all training material in LearnDash. Can create and edit other site pages.
- Instructor – Can create training material in LearnDash. Sees training materials they create and that have been shared with them.
- Instructor + Group Leader – Can view, delete, and edit trainee essays and activities and set master settings for a course
Frontend Registration Roles Available
These are the only roles that can be obtained using the site registration.
- Trainee – A student or instructor registering or pre-registering to see to see training material. LearnDash is tracking
- Subscribers – Early site iteration registrations – in process of converting to trainees
- CCMS Respondent – registers via unique login at ccms login to fill out ccms questionnaires. Can only fill out forms this forms. *
- SURVEY_ADMIN – can access and generate results reports of CCMS registrants
- AFROHUN_ADMIN – can access and generate results reports of CCMS registrants
- SEOHUN_ADMIN – can access and generate results reports of CCMS registrants
Forum Roles
- Keymaster – Can create, edit and delete other users’ forums, topics and replies. Can manage Tags, and moderate a forum with the moderation tools. Has access to global forum settings, tools, and importer.
- Moderator – Can create and edit forums. Can create, edit and delete other users’ topics and replies. Can manage Tags, and moderate a forum with the moderation tools.
- Participant – Can create and edit their own topics and replies.
- Spectator – Can only read topics and replies.
- Blocked – All capabilities are explicitly blocked.