To secure the pipeline of trainees preparing to enter the One Health workforce, the Students’ Forum of the One Health Workforce Academy supports activities that supplement One Health curricula offered at the university level to empower students’ progression along the career path. The One Health Workforce Academies’ Student site will offer opportunities for One Health-oriented competitions for individuals and teams of students; scholarships; fellowships; access to supplementary training and potential peer mentors; and a vigorous alumni network.
Student Competitions

One Health Workforce-Next Generation encourages students to engage in student competitions as individuals or collaborative groups. These competitions may include engaging with students to create and promote behavior change communication materials for COVID-19 and zoonoses awareness, organizing webinars, and online training sessions on One Health topics. Upcoming student competitions and announcements can be found here.
Scholarships & Funding

The One Health University Networks provide students, professionals, and faculty the opportunity to research and work towards the advancement of One Health. Explore scholarships and funding opportunities for eligible candidates to pursue graduate degrees, fellowships, and grants in One Health related topics.
Student Clubs

Student One Health Innovation Clubs (SOHIC) aim to promote the One Health concept through multidisciplinary collaborations and participation in student-led community health activities in order to minimize the risks of zoonotic disease emergence and reduce the spread of existing and emerging and new diseases.