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Instructor Orientation

Creating a Course – Part 1

LearnDash Dashboard Overview

Step 2: Creating Training Material

Creating Case Studies (SCORM)

Creating a Quiz

Creating a Course – Part 2

Adding Content to Modules and Topics

Quick Start Instructions


  1. Instructor logins are provided by OHWA’s webmaster. Email request to:
  2. We are limiting the number of instructor logins as we roll out the site so that we can closely monitor and make improvements.
  3. Using a login that has Instructor access, login to the development area
  4. If you do not have an Instructor Login, contact support to be issued one.

Creating Training Material Main Page

  1. Instructor once logged in will see LearnDash in the left navigation.
  2. In LearnDash select “Training Materials”.
  3. Select “Add New” in upper left or right.
  4. An empty Training Material template will appear.
  5. Name Training Material.
  6. IMPORTANT: SAVE AS PENDING REVIEW” to the right title area to prevent this content from accidentally appearing on the site as available.
  7. Add Training Material description to the text box : Content can include:
    • Text – Heading throughout page text looks best at H3 or H4.
    • Images – Keep image width below 2000px wide and under 500k, with an image crop ratio of 4:3.
    • Videos – Keep under 200mg if possible, over 200mg must be uploaded to our Cloud Server account. Contact support for more details.
    • H5P Interactive videos  – tutorials for creating these will be provided in other documents.
    • PDFs – These embed by default when using the media library. To simply link to a PDF, copy the url shown in the Media library (found in right sidebar) and add it as a link to you text.
    • Links
  8. In the right sidebar of the page you will see attributes which can be thought of as “tags” associated with the material. Select all that apply.
    • Type
    • One Health Domains
    • Countries ( if material is about a specific country)
    • Networks
    • Training Programs
    • Training Level
    • Delivery Mode
    • Languages
    • Cost
    • Tags (such as: covid-19, videos, pdf, echo, etc)
  9. Add a 4:3 ratio feature image. Keep image width below 1600px wide and under 500k.
  10. Then save as Draft, In Review, or Private/Publish,
  11. SAVE PENDING REVIEW if you want to share link to someone without login.
  12. Once material is reviewed and ready for publish set status to Publish and Update.

Creating Different Training Types

Creating Courses, Case Studies, Toolkits, Field Guides, Webinars all begin with the steps presented above. The difference will be what goes in the text content field area, the tags, and settings.

Case Study SCORM

  1. Create new Training Material.
  2. Name the Training Material and select all the tags for filtering.
  3. SAVE PENDING REVIEW until ready to Publish.
  4. Then save as Draft, In Review, or Private/Publish.
  5. Case Studies will have a feature image (4:3 ratio under 1600 wide) and description paragraph.
  6. In Setting tab above title set registration and cost requirements.
  7. In Builder you will add Modules that will hold the SCORM Case Study.
  8. Save
  9. Go to Modules you created in Module left navigation.
  10. Set display name to Case Study. This is under title.
  11. In the text field area use the “Add Tin Canny Media” button found under the page title to upload the SCORM file.
  12. Set iframe height to 1000px in the dialogue box that pops up.
  13. SCORM should insert into text box area.
  14. Select preview to see.
  15. Save as all parts as a Draft until approved.
  16. Go back to the Training Material overview page for this Case Study and preview that there is a Case Study Module attached at the bottom.
  17. This Case Study is ready for review and publishing once approved.


  • Follows the same process as Case Studies above, except courses can have multiple modules, topics and quiz.
  • Once you have your course description, and attributes set,  you are going to build out the scaffolding of your course.
  • Go to the Builder tab above the title of your training material.
  • In that section toggle open the drop-downs. Look for +Add Module. For example:
      • Module 1 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Module 2 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Module 3 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
  • Next, toggle open the Module section to see + Add Topics to the Modules. For example:
    • Module 1 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 1 (or M1)  – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 1 (or M1) – descriptive names so you can find them later
    • Module 2 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 2 (or M2) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 2 (or M2) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
    • Module 3 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 3 (or M3) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • M3 with descriptive names so you can find them later
  • Next, in the module toggle you can +Add Quizzes to the Topics or Modules within the Builder section of the Training Material landing page and Save. For example:
    • Module 1 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 1 (or M1)  – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 1 (or M1) – descriptive names so you can find them later
        • Quiz – Topic 1 with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Quiz -M1 with descriptive names so you can find them later
    • Module 2 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 1 (or M2) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 2 (or M2) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Quiz – M2 Quiz with descriptive names so you can find them later
    • Module 3 – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 1(or M3) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Topic 2 (or M3) – with descriptive names so you can find them later
      • Quiz – M3 Quiz with descriptive names so you can find them later
    • Save Training Material ( you should save after each above addition to avoid losing updates).
    • In the left navigation you can now go to the Modules, Topics, and Quizzes you created in Training Material Builder and add content to them.
    • As you add content preview the training material in your browser to see the structure start to take shape.

PDF Case Studies, Toolkit, and Field Guides

  • Create new Training Material.
  • Name the Training Material and select all the tags for filtering.
  • These do not require a descriptive text unless wanted.
  • To add a PDF select the “Add Media” button under the page title.
  • Find or upload the PDF to the media library and hit insert.
  • The PDF will embed on the page.
  • If you want add a Link to the PDF you must open up the media library, select the PDF and find the url listed on the right sidebar.
  • Copy URL and add as a link to the text using the text editor.
  • The settings and builder options are not used on these usually since these are free and the content is available on the landing Training Material page.
  • Save as a Draft until approved.

Webinars, Student Videos

  • Create new Training Material.
  • Name the Training Material and select all the tags for filtering.
  • Add description text.
  • Select “Add Media” located under the page title.
  • Some smaller videos may be in the Media Library but most will be hosted on our Cloud server.
  • For more information on our Cloud server Using the Cloud Server to Upload Videos.
  • Once the video url is added the video will embed on the page.
  • The settings and builder options are not used on these usually since these are free and the content is available on the landing Training Material page.
  • Save as a Draft until approved.

Creating a Quiz

See Creating a Quiz for details.