

One Health Training Resource Library

Welcome to the One Health Resource Library. Below, watch the video of Dr. Marcela Uhart, a wildlife veterinarian with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, as she provides background and context on the content that is available for download in this...

Outbreak and Investigation Reading Resources

Welcome to the One Health Resource Library. Below, watch the video of Dr. Marcela Uhart, a wildlife veterinarian with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, as she provides background and context on the content that is available for download in this...

A Short Glossary of Epidemiologic Terms

The following list of terms was compiled to assist those unfamiliar with the language of epidemiology. The terms come from various sources and an attempt has been made to simplify definitions where possible. As a result they may suffer from a lack of rigor but will...

Glossary of Health Terms

OHWA Terminology Accreditation Certification Competency Community of Practice Course Continuing Professional Development Credential Credit Degree Domain (Competency) Evaluation Experiential Learning Expert Field Experience In-Service Training Interprofessional...

One Health Glossary

A one health glossary to support communication and information exchange between the human health, animal health and food safety sectors. One Health Glossary of Terms