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Mountain Gorilla Respiratory Disease Dynamics in Rwanda, Africa

About this case study: This intermediate-level case study leads you into the jungles of Rwanda to help protect both wild gorillas and people.  Navigate the delicate ecotourism industry and public relations associated with this situation in this study. Upon completion...

Needs Assessment of Community Health in Sabana Grande, Nicaragua

About this case study: This introductory case study takes you to Nicaragua to determineView Training Material the cause of a mysterious cough in community members.  While working with colleagues of different backgrounds, you also explore the reasons why people are...

One Health Outbreak Investigation Card Game

[pdf-embedder url="https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/owha-sample-bucket/2022/03/One-Health-Outbreak-Card-Game-Facilitator-Guide.pdf" title="One Health Outbreak Card Game Facilitator Guide"]

COVID-19 One Health Update on Community Surveillance for SEAOHUN

AGENDA Housekeeping/Welcome comments ECHO: Bruce Struminger UC Davis: Jonna Mazet SEAOHUN Secretariat: Vipat Kuruchittham Global updates and topic introduction UC Davis: Brian Bird Community Surveillance - Global Approaches Ending Pandemics: Mark Smolinski ProMED:...

Bushmeat Sampling Field Guide

[pdf-embedder url="https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/owha-sample-bucket/2022/01/OHWNG.Bushmeat-sampling-SOP.pdf" title="OHWNG.Bushmeat sampling SOP"]

One Health Competency Framework – French

[pdf-embedder url="https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/owha-sample-bucket/2021/09/One-Health-Competency-Framework_-2020_French.pdf" title="One Health Competency Framework_ 2020_French"] See in English    

One Health Competency Framework – English

[pdf-embedder url="https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/owha-sample-bucket/2022/01/One-Health-Competency-Framework-Toolkit-Manual_Version-II-_-August-2022.pdf" title="One Health Competency Framework- Toolkit Manual_Version - II _ August 2022"] See in French  

One Health Update on Immunity Issues & Interventions for SEAOHUN

Agenda Welcome Vipat Kuruchittham, SEAOHUN Secretariat Jonna Mazet, UC Davis Global Updates Brian Bird, UC Davis Overview on Immunity Issues & Interventions Mike Whelan, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) Panel Discussion VIETNAM: Nguyen Thu...