One health concepts
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:SENEGAL 2.1) SENEGAL – Please select a University:Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Institute des Sciences de l’Environnement (ISE) 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:One health concepts 4. What is the code number associated with this activity…
sciences de l’homme et de la société
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:CÔTE D’IVOIRE 2.1) CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Please select a University:Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:sciences de l’homme et de la société 4. What is the code number associated with this activity (i.e.in the…
institut odonto-stomatologie
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:CÔTE D’IVOIRE 2.1) CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Please select a University:Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:institut odonto-stomatologie 4. What is the code number associated with this activity (i.e.in the University’s Catalogue used to enroll…
Langues, littératures et civilisations
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:CÔTE D’IVOIRE 2.1) CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Please select a University:Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:Langues, littératures et civilisations 4. What is the code number associated with this activity (i.e.in the University’s Catalogue used…
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:CÔTE D’IVOIRE 2.1) CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Please select a University:Other 2.3) AFROHUN – Other/Not Listed University::CAMPC 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:MANAGEMENT DE LA QUALITE SECURITE ET ENVIRONNEMENT 4. What is the code number associated with…
Principles of Environmental Health
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:ETHIOPIA 2.1) ETHIOPIA – Please select a University:Jimma University, College of Public Health and Medical Science 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:Principles of Environmental Health 4. What is the code number associated with this activity (i.e.in…
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:ETHIOPIA 2.1) ETHIOPIA – Please select a University:Jimma University, College of Public Health and Medical Science 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:ECOTOXICOLOGY AND RISK ASSESSMENT 4. What is the code number associated with this activity (i.e.in…
1.) Please select Network:AFROHUN 2.) AFROHUN – Please select OHUN or Country:CÔTE D’IVOIRE 2.1) CÔTE D’IVOIRE – Please select a University:Other 2.3) AFROHUN – Other/Not Listed University::INFAS 3. What is the specific title of the One Health training and empowerment activity?:SANTE PUBLIQUE 4. What is the code number associated with this activity (i.e.in the University’s…