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Continuing Professional Development

COVID-19 One Health Update on Community Surveillance for SEAOHUN

AGENDA Housekeeping/Welcome comments ECHO: Bruce Struminger UC Davis: Jonna Mazet SEAOHUN Secretariat: Vipat Kuruchittham Global updates and topic introduction UC Davis: Brian Bird Community Surveillance - Global Approaches Ending Pandemics: Mark Smolinski ProMED:...

Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health: Introductory Level

Source: FAO.org. A member of the AMR Surveillance Pilot Study among chicken layering farmers within Kiambu County analyzes samples in a laboratory in Nairobi, Kenya. Welcome to Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health Introductory Course This dynamic training course...

An Introduction to Grant Writing

This asynchronous course introduces participants to the basics of scientific grant writing and management. The contents of this course are organized across five distinct modules, each comprised of several brief video lectures recorded by experts from across the globe,...

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Coastal Marine Environments

  Welcome to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Coastal Marine Environments This is a single module course that presents an introduction to concepts of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the marine environment. This course is designed as a follow-up to the 11...

Virtual Communities of Practice

Welcome to the One Health Workforce Academies course on virtual Communities of Practice. The concept of virtual Communities of Practice ( vCoPs) has recently gained popularity to bridge distance via technology for individuals and groups with an interest in a common...

Risk Communication & Community Engagement

Welcome to the Risk Communication & Community Engagement Course This dynamic training course spans 10 online modules and provides an introduction to the principles and concepts of a comprehensive One Health approach to risk communication related to a disease...

Restoring a Wet Meadow Ecosystem in California, USA

About this case study: This introductory level case study challenges the trainee to use system thinking techniques to resolve a complicated environmental problem while having a One Health mindset and appealing to multiple stakeholders. Upon completion of this case...

Sea Otter Mortality off the Coast of California, USA

About this case study: This introductory level case study challenges the trainee to explore how a single disease in wildlife can have substantial consequences in its ecosystem, including a large community of people nearby. Upon completion of this case study, the...

Exploring the Cause of Kidney Disease in Sri Lanka

About this case study: This intermediate-level case study takes you on an investigatory adventure in Sri Lanka to assist with an investigation of a chronic disease of unknown etiology. Upon completion of this Case Study, the trainee will be able to: List the steps...